AGM Transitions


AGM Transitions provide career advice to leaders. They are a dynamic and established business and as such have easily adapted to the current situation, while simultaneously keeping their clients safe.


To create a series of six films; conversations between two colleagues explaining how they can help clients.


Corporate Videos a great medium to get your message across is film.

Finding a location, setting the scene with props, storyboarding, directing are all part of the process, working closely with the client so they can understand your end vision for their film.


Brainstormed ideas with AGM transitions team, from these brainstorming sessions produced story boards, then scheduling in filming days.  Its –  90% planning 10% action.



Lovely to get this feedback from the clients AGMTranistions

“We have had good traction and a lot of positive feedback from people who are quite discerning so that is most encouraging.”



9th December 2021

